Suivez les nouvelles mises à jour et améliorations de ATAS.
13 septembre 2024
A new MBO indicator in the "Order Flow" category creates the DOM based on "Market by Order" data — information from the exchange about the volumes of individual orders. By zooming in on the DOM, you will be able to see the specific orders that make up each exchange level, including their volumes and the sequence in which they were placed on the exchange.
A new Trades On Chart indicator in the "Trading" category enables you to display historical trades on the chart, connecting entry and exit points. The indicator features a tooltip that provides detailed trade information: entry/exit price and time, instrument, and PnL.
ATAS Sim now allows you to set the balance value when resetting a portfolio.
Sub-chart indicators have been improved. You can now scale without restrictions and move indicators vertically. Additionally, you can adjust vertical scaling by holding [Shift] and the scroll wheel.
Functionality for displaying connector delays was added.
Support for Auto Cancel orders has been added — orders will automatically be canceled when a position is closed. Auto Cancel switches have been added to order markers on the chart, enabling you to quickly switch orders to this mode, with the option to cancel orders when closing or reversing a position.
Drawing object templates have been added. You can save custom settings (line thickness, colors, etc.) as templates using the context menu or graphical object settings. Ready templates can be applied to all charts.
Platform crashes when waking from sleep mode or reconnecting connectors have been resolved.
Snapshot and template handling has been updated. The issue with template reloading in cumulative mode has been fixed.
We have added Spanish versions of the books 'Cluster Analysis' and 'Reading the Tape' to the Learn section.
OpenGL Skia:
performance with multiple chart windows has been improved;
font size calculations for Arial fonts have been fixed.
The Trades Matcher architecture has been completely rebuilt.
The GPU selection setting has been hidden.
The problem with text being cut off in the indicator list on the chart has been resolved.
The timeframe period application for the specified number of days has been corrected.
Workspaces with old layout settings now load correctly.
You can now disable OHLC in chart settings.
The chart window is rectangular again, with no rounding.
The issue with re-importing trade history from the previous session has been fixed.
The order modification dialog has been fixed — order movement is no longer displayed.
A new button in the strategy table enables you to start and stop strategies.
The initiation of restoring history for closed positions has been corrected.
The issue where text did not appear in the Buy/Sell Limits columns has been fixed.
The Buy/Sell Current Trades columns now offer the option to visualize data as a histogram.
The display of the Heatmap in full-screen mode has been corrected.
Big Trades:
issues with filters have been fixed;
real-time displayed values have been corrected.
VWAP. The display of the indicator lines has been fixed.
when the "Show Headers" option is turned off, row headers now appear when hovering over the indicator;
background settings have been restored;
the issue where rows outside the cursor's range were hidden on the panel has been fixed;
manual row replacement has been added.
the tooltip at the bottom of the candle in minimized mode has been fixed;
negative delta values have been corrected;
the issue of negative divergence markers disappearing in minimized mode has been resolved;
filters have been updated (maximum value up to 1 million);
a delta reversal alert feature has been added.
Cumulative Volume Delta. You can now select panel constraints.
CVD Market Power. The calculation errors for the last bar values in CVD pro/CVD Market Power have been fixed.
Dom Levels:
incorrect value calculations when the min filter is active have been corrected;
flickering in DOM and DOM Levels on volatile markets has been fixed.
External Charts. The issue with incorrect time calculations has been fixed.
Cluster Search. The problem preventing the selection of levels with zero volumes has been resolved.
Market Profile:
rendering from left to right has been fixed;
monthly market profile merging issues have been corrected.
Standard libraries are no longer loaded from folders with custom indicators and strategies.
You can now automatically update indicators from the Personal Area.
New Indicators:
Trades On Chart;
Absorption — an indicator from third-party developers.
Measure. The price format has been updated — price lines remain the same size during movement.
Unused properties have been removed from the alert settings.
The ruler, which appears when clicking the mouse scroll, now uses the previous text format. The text field position has been adjusted to be next to the mouse cursor.
You can now copy and paste drawing objects on the indicator's lower panel.
SL and TP markers on the chart have been improved. You can now see PnL when they trigger. Additionally, when dragging SL or TP to prices where the order could be immediately executed, a notification now appears on the right side of the chart.
A setting to disable SL/TP confirmation windows during one-click trading has been added. When enabled, SL/TP warning dialogs will not appear during one-click trading.
The display of the current status of Breakeven and Trailing in Watch mode has been fixed.
You can now set and adjust SL/TP orders using hotkeys.
The issue of placing extra orders with a closed position and in view mode after restarting the platform has been fixed.
Errors in opening opposite positions have been corrected.
Errors in converting values between ticks/price/percent for connections without market data have been fixed.
Errors in importing settings from old workspaces have been corrected.
The option to skip SL/TP dialog boxes when setting protective orders from the chart has been added.
SL/TP editing fields in the settings have been darkened depending on the state of the switches.
Other operational errors have been fixed.
The history playback period in Market Replay has been shifted one day back.
Changing timeframes during replay is now prohibited.
a depth limit setting has been added to the dxFeed Prop connector;
the problem with missing account information when connecting to dxFeed Prop has been resolved;
issues with displaying errors for failed orders with the dxFeed Prop connection have been fixed;
a new parameter, "Use limited order book," has been added, enabling you to limit the size of the DOM on the server side to reduce the amount of incoming data.
the processing of FOK orders has been corrected;
the platform crashes that occurred during reconnection errors have been fixed;
we have improved the performance when receiving data for a large number of instruments;
serialization issues have been fixed;
the processing of order history has been corrected.
the issue with displaying non-existent positions/orders at platform startup has been fixed.
initialization has been fixed and SL/TP settings have been updated;
the error connecting to the standard account has been resolved;
a check for the presence of other orders has been added when placing an order with the "Reduce Only" flag.
the PnL calculation for Continuous instruments with a 15-minute delay has been corrected;
the incorrect time for orders and trades with a 15-minute delay has been fixed.
The issue with reconnecting has been fixed;
A warning for duplicate data from different connectors has been added.
19 juillet 2024
The platform .NET has been updated to version 8.
The platform installation process has been simplified.
Error processing when canceling orders has been fixed.
Defining the time interval for loading the timeframe has been fixed.
The restoration of Time Frame settings from old workspaces has been fixed.
It is possible to activate/deactivate SL/TP orders in Chart Trader and Smart DOM. The display of strategy states and their hints has been added.
The verification that allowed a position to be closed immediately after opening has been fixed.
Now, it is possible to specify the volume for multi-level SL/TP as a percentage of the position volume.
Now you can reload the chart when data is missing, the placeholder image has been updated.
The scaling of the price axis over TPO has been fixed.
The scaling of Market Profile warnings has been fixed.
The serialization of the TPO object has been fixed.
The GotoDate button has been added near the chart scroll.
Now, it is possible to copy, save to file, copy, and share a link to a screenshot saved on the website.
Errors in cloning a channel using Ctrl + drag-and-drop have been fixed.
GF API has been updated to version 4.15.503.306.
We have resolved the issue of opening identical charts simultaneously.
We have fixed the deletion of selected Fixed TPO and Profile drawing objects.
The DOM now loads instantly upon reopening instruments instead of being built from scratch with incoming data.
Ask and Bid no longer disappear from the DOM after returning from sleep mode.
Resource consumption has been reduced when using the DOM.
Now, you can manage the display of connection speeds in the general settings.
Now, when there is no data on the chart, a reload button is added.
We have completely redesigned the statistics window.
Cumulative values in Ask and Bid in SmartDom are now abbreviated.
Now, it is possible to draw a series over the last bar of the chart.
Incorrect price values on the axes have been fixed.
We resolved the issue by switching DomTrader's color scheme to the default.
A notification has been added to alert users of order changes in the statistics.
The bug with Uid detection has been fixed.
DomTrader: Color scheme settings no longer disappear when compressed.
We fixed the issue of charts freezing when the system wakes from sleep in Direct2D rendering.
📊 Chart:
We have added a popup window when hovering over or scrolling the chart scrollbar. It displays a tooltip with the time of the candle opposite the scrollbar slider.
Issues with delayed chart rendering have been fixed.
We resolved the problem with cloning charts that have drawing objects.
The rendering order of chart elements has been fixed.
We have corrected errors in rendering drawing objects, including the history of actions with objects (the "Ctrl+Z" function).
The deletion of objects on different charts has been fixed.
The display of trades on the chart has been fixed.
You can now save using One-click Mode.
We have fixed an error when a 30-second candle was built in 24 seconds at speed "1".
We have fixed errors that occurred when switching from an instrument with a high price step to one with a low price step (e.g., BTCUSDT to DOGEUSDT).
The adaptive layout of ChartTrader for classic instruments has been updated.
The tooltip display when hovering over various elements in Chart Trader has been fixed.
The SL/TP edit button can now be disabled if no account is selected for the instrument.
We have corrected the text on the "Cancel Asks" button (previously labeled "Cancel Bids") in Chart Trader for classic instruments.
We have fixed an error that occurred when opening the account list.
The error of setting the incorrect base currency has been resolved.
When canceling orders in ChartTrader, SL/TP is no longer disabled when closing a position with the Close button.
When editing SL/TP, the first available Time in Force for the instrument is set by default.
The DOM now loads instantly upon reopening instruments.
Ask and Bid no longer disappear from the DOM after returning from sleep mode.
Resource consumption has been reduced when using the DOM.
Cumulative values in Ask and Bid are now abbreviated.
The copying of market orders has been fixed.
Order copying upon position closing has been fixed.
Positions no longer close if there are incomplete actions due to poor connection.
Unnecessary orders are no longer placed.
We have addressed the issue of multiple position copying.
We have resolved the loading of the group copying list.
We have fixed the issue of processing the order state when copying.
We have fixed the issue with closing positions in Rithmic.
The issue with Reduce-Only orders has been fixed.
The issue with Bybit market orders has been resolved.
The duplication of orders when copying in Orders mode has been fixed.
We have fixed multiple position copying when the follower's position was only joined after the provider's position was opened.
We have resolved the issue with closing positions by double-clicking.
A link to the documentation for indicators has been added.
Line offset in the Ichimoku indicator has been fixed.
New indicators have been added:
Linear Regression Channel;
Support & Resistance Zones;
Order Book Alerts;
Notifications for values above a specified threshold in Dom Levels can now be displayed.
Notifications for positive and negative Delta values have been separated.
Notification properties for Delta have been moved to separate groups.
Now you can to reload the chart in IsEmptyData state. The placeholder image has been updated.
The display of VAH, VAL, and POC lines of profiles that are out of view on the left side in TPO mode has been fixed.
The rendering of Stacked Imbalance lines (issue with DOM Trader) has been fixed.
The calculation of DailyLines on the weekly chart has been corrected.
The initialization of indicator settings has been fixed.
A method, ChartInfo.GetPriceString(decimal price), which returns a formatted price value depending on the instrument type, has been added to the indicators' API.
The issue with merging profiles with custom periods in TPO and Profile has been resolved.
Now, you can load trading statistics for the last 7 days only.
We have completely redesigned the mechanism for generating statistics.
We have added automatic detection of trade gaps.
Now you can request trade history in connectors (up to the last 30 days).
The "Trade Journal" interface now allows you to edit entries where both sides of a trade could not be matched.
A new Tai-Pan connector has been added. Time zone values for American instruments in TaiPan have been corrected.
All connectors now have a customizable Display Name property.
Market data reconnection has been fixed (ticker subscription has been fixed).
transition to new server infrastructure;
incorrect price values on axes have been fixed;
we have removed the option to change the scale and display of clusters for non-time-based candle series;
we have fixed an error with an incorrect folder name for some dxFeed instruments.
Neurostreet servers have been renamed to PropShopTrader;
the Rithmic API has been updated to version
the reconnection issue with the connector has been fixed;
the instrument search has been corrected.
Extended logging for debug level has been added.
We have added buttons with referral links for Binance and Bybit connectors.
calculations for spot order costs and maximum order values have been fixed;
the processing of portfolios for spot cross instruments has been corrected;
time synchronization when connecting the Binance connector has been fixed.
the connection error has been fixed;
auto-scaling on Bybit Spot is enabled by default;
currency conversion after connecting crypto connectors has been fixed;
socket reconnection for user data has been fixed;
OCO function for market orders has been disabled;
synchronization of properties in the old version of the connector has been fixed;
processing of stop order volumes has been fixed;
pnl % calculation has been fixed;
the processing of limit orders before position updates has been fixed;
Bybit Mainnet demo account has been implemented;
Bybit SL orders are now opened with the "reduce only" flag.
Bitget: connection issues have been resolved.
the REST API for request signing has been updated;
market order placement has been fixed.
The list of supported US stocks has been updated.
A 1 to 100 stock split has been performed for GMKN and TRNFP.
13 juin 2024
automatic backups are now created when saving workspaces. The last 10 copies are stored in the "Backups" folder.
saving and loading settings are now independent of the workspace to avoid duplication.
The candle-type selection menu now supports hotkeys. The menu item bindings have been fixed.
You can now view the connection status and speed in the main window's status bar. Connection speed is also displayed on the chart. You can manage the display of connection speeds in the general settings. For example, you can set the speed to fluctuate within specified values before displaying a delay notification.
We have fixed the issue of delays appearing immediately after connecting a chart with the DOM. You can now change the time server in the application settings.
We have fixed the rendering of single prints and all single clusters except for the first and last ones.
The rendering of the PressedCrossHair tooltip has been updated.
The sizes of pop-up panels have been fixed.
Issues with sending messages without parameters have been resolved.
GF API has been updated to version 4.15.503.306.
The previous news module has been renamed to RSS Reader. A new news module called News has been created:
the display of trades on the chart has been fixed;
now it is possible to save One-click Мode;
the black bars at the top and bottom of the scroll element in the chart window have been removed;
the menu for customizing the history upload has been updated:
an error when a 30-second candle was built in 24 seconds at speed "1" has been corrected;
we have fixed an error when an instrument with a high price step switched to one with a low price step (BTCUSDT > DOGEUSDT);
the formation of incorrect chart area boundaries has been corrected;
intervals between bars when switching charts have been fixed;
the rendering of Drawer indicators in ChartView when changing instruments has been fixed;
now it is possible to reload the chart in the IsEmptyData state, the placeholder image has been updated.
the resource consumption when using the DOM has been reduced.
an error that occurred when opening the account list has been fixed;
an error with setting the incorrect Base Currency has been corrected.
the DOM now loads instantly upon reopening instruments rather than being built from incoming data from scratch;
Ask and Bid no longer disappear from the DOM after returning from sleep mode;
cumulative values in the Ask and Bid columns have been reduced.
Using the context menu, you can customize multiple selected graphic objects simultaneously.
The offset angle for TrendLine/PriceChannel in panels has been fixed.
The issue with displaying VAH, VAL, and POC profile lines located to the left outside the visible area in TPO mode has been resolved.
Now, it is possible to draw a series over the last bar of the chart.
An error when UDO objects were pinned upon addition has been fixed.
The type’s saving for an array of objects has been corrected.
Market Profile:
rendering of volume levels has been fixed;
rendering of the market profile chart label has been updated: the position of inverted lines and rendering of inverted extended lines have been corrected.
Dom Levels:
the right part of the visualization now corresponds to current online data;
now, it is possible to display notifications for values above a specified level.
Delta. Notifications for positive and negative values have been separated. Notification properties have been grouped separately.
OrderFlow. The rendering of individual trades has been fixed.
Agreements with third parties for indicators/strategies for the FootprintPatterns indicator/strategy have been implemented.
Rendering of the Chinkou Span line based on the latest values has been optimized.
The AllowConnectorsLatency feature has been added. It enables the latency indicators panel.
An alert for the Swing High and Low indicator has been added.
The opening of the agreement window when searching for indicators has been fixed.
The rendering of VolumeOnChart values has been fixed.
New indicators have been added:
Linear Regression Channel;
Support & Resistance Zones;
Order Book Alerts;
One-click trading has been fixed: now, order confirmation is only shown if there is a strategy warning.
The connector setup for the strategy has been fixed to ensure error-free execution.
Hotfix for order/trade processing (the ADataFeeder8 indicator has been updated).
SL/TP levels are now displayed on the chart or next to the position;
SL/TP settings are no longer reset after closing a position;
errors in placing SL/TP orders have been fixed;
order search no longer occurs before the connector is connected;
verification of position closing immediately after order placement has been fixed;
user action is now awaited when there are errors in placing SL/TP orders;
now, it is possible to change TIF ("Time in force" - order lifetime: GTC, DAY, etc) in the SL/TP settings;
canceling orders in the Chart Trader no longer disables SL/TP when closing a position using the Close button;
when editing SL/TP, the first available Time in Force for the instrument is set by default.
the placement of OCO orders on the chart has been fixed;
we have corrected the processing of orders/trades from NT when they have an OCO group with the '|' symbol.
we have resolved the issue of positions not being copied through the Following Manager;
the problem with Reduce-Only orders has been fixed;
the issue with Bybit market orders has been resolved;
orders no longer duplicate when copying in Orders mode;
we have fixed the issue of multiple position copying when the follower's position was only joined after the provider's position was opened;
the loading of the copy group list has been fixed;
positions no longer get closed by double-clicking.
A new Tai-Pan connector has been added.
Timezone values for American Tai-Pan instruments have been corrected.
the calculations for spot order costs and maximum order values have been fixed;
the process of managing portfolios of spot cross instruments has been fixed.
the Bybit Mainnet demo account has been implemented;
the synchronization of properties in the old connector version has been fixed;
the processing of stop order volumes has been fixed.
Buttons with referral links have been added for Binance and Bybit connectors.
the transition to a new server infrastructure has been completed;
incorrect price values on axes have been corrected;
the option to change the scale and display of clusters has been removed for the non-time-based candle series;
an error with an incorrect folder name for some dxFeed instruments has been fixed.
IB. Reconnection of the connector has been fixed.
The Rithmic API has been updated to version; extended logging has been added for the debug level.
Currency conversion after connecting crypto connectors has been fixed.
All connectors now have a customizable Display Name property.
16 mai 2024
The .NET platform has been updated to version 8
The installation process of the platform has been simplified
The statistics window has been completely redesigned
Settings can now be saved and loaded independently of the workspace to avoid duplication
A reload data button has been added when data is missing on the chart
Cumulative values in Ask and Bid in SmartDom are now truncated
The loading of float panel sizes has been fixed
You can now draw a series over the last bar of the chart
Incorrect price values on the axes have been corrected
The rendering of the price channel in DOM Trader has been fixed
Direct2D. Closing a chart linked to another no longer disrupts the rendering of adjacent charts
When starting the platform as an unregistered user, the "Forgot your password?" button now changes to "Registration"
Improvements have been made to the saving of workspace objects, and rendering errors have been fixed
The rendering of charts with panels has been fixed
A hotfix has been added, limiting the price step to four decimal places
Time parsing for trades has been fixed
The issue with switching the color scheme of DomTrader to the default has been fixed
The obfuscation settings of projects have been changed so that obfuscation does not affect types involved in serialization
A panel displaying active connections and their respective data delays has been added to the bottom of the main window
A statistics notification for order changes has been added
The bug with Uid determination has been fixed
DomTrader. Color scheme settings no longer disappear when shrinked
The issue of charts freezing when the system wakes up from sleep mode in Direct2D rendering has been resolved
Workspaces now automatically create backup copies with each save if changes are made (up to 10 versions)
Fixed rendering of the rectangular objects panel.
Fixed an issue with placing a trend line on the panel.
Updated the scroll button design of the ruler object. The measurement object has been removed from the object list.
For the horizontal line in the OnNewTicks method, added a check for ChartCore and ChartCore.Candles objects before processing ticks.
Added a null check for core and core.Coordinates objects before rendering.
Fixed global object errors when closing a chart.
Fixed an issue where at x1 speed a 30-second candle was built in 24 seconds.
The Replay connector has been added to statistics processing.
New indicators: Gaps, Linear Regression Channel.
New indicator: Support & Resistance Zones indicator.
New indicator: Order book alerts.
New indicator: BionicCandle.
Fixed line offset in the Ichimoku indicator.
Swing High and Low indicator: added the ability to set an alert and specify the color.
Fixed an issue with displaying VAH, VAL, and POC profile lines located to the left outside the visible area in TPO mode.
Fixed calculation issues for TPO outside the chart.
Fixed rendering issues of the Adaptive Big Trades indicator when loading a chart.
Fixed line rendering of Stacked Imbalance (DOM Trader issue).
Fixed DailyLines calculation on the weekly chart.
Fixed indicator settings initialization.
Added a method to the indicators API: ChartInfo.GetPriceString(decimal price), which returns the formatted price value depending on the instrument type.
TPO and Profile indicator: fixed an issue with merging profiles with configured periods.
Fixed an issue with displaying VAH, VAL, and POC profile lines located to the left outside the visible area in TPO mode.
DomLevels: Added the ability to display notifications for values above a set threshold.
Updated SL/TP order design on the chart. SL/TP now display on the chart or next to the position.
Fixed MarketProfile merging when saving in the workspace.
The Equity section in Statistics now accounts for time zones.
Fixed an issue that caused a crash after repeatedly stopping the WebSocket (bots).
The Rithmic connector library has been updated to version, added an additional logging mode for debugging issues.
Updated the list of supported US stocks.
Implemented a 1 to 100 split for GMKN and TRNFP.
Fixed time synchronization when connecting to the Binance connector.
Fixed issues with connecting to Bitget.
New connector: Tai-pan.
IB: Fixed instrument search.
BitMEX: Updated REST request signature API, fixed market order placement.
Bybit update:
Auto-scaling on Bybit Spot is enabled by default.
Fixed market data reconnection (ticker subscription fix).
Handling "no error" state when executing orders.
Fixed issues with placing stop/market orders, volume conversion.
dxFeed update:
Hidden cluster display for non-time-based candle series.
Migrated to new server infrastructure.
Removed the ability to scale non-time-based candle series.
21 mars 2024
The issue of the Long/Short position not functioning properly has been resolved. You can now move the center line up and down.
Channel. Width change has been improved;
Removing a trend line does not change the size of other trend lines.
PriceChannel render issues have been fixed. A smooth vertical replacement has been added.
Time synchronization has been fixed;
We have fixed the loading of historical data when a replay is activated.
Backward compatibility for ClosePosition method has been fixed.
Orderflow Rhythm. An option for a custom session has been added.
TPO single prints label drawing has been updated.
TPO and Profile. We fixed an issue that prevented merging profiles with a custom period.
The last period of the Market profile width has been fixed.
Rendering issues with the hidden price axis in DomTrader have been resolved.
Multiple fixes of TP/SL functionality.
The exit strategy duplicates a stop order if you restart ATAS.
We have added the processing of connection errors for strategies.
Chart Trader. ToolTip in chart trader has been fixed.
dxFeed. API has been updated to 8.8.1. The addresses of the data servers have been updated.
OKX. Connection issues have been fixed.
Phemex. The processing of portfolios/positions has been updated.
Rithmic. The wrong trading time for EUREX securities has been fixed.
Idle disconnections on Bybit have been fixed.
15 mars 2024
Heatmap history download option for crypto market tools was added.
The News Calendar module was added to the platform.
The visualization of "0" value in indicators has been fixed.
An economic calendar module has been added.
DomTrader: The issue of overlapping digits when executing orders has been fixed.
FollowingManager: We have fixed the initialization and clearing of copy groups.
Replay: we have fixed data loading for expired contracts.
An issue when push notifications appeared during trading has been resolved.
We have added support for extreme TickSize values for crypto instruments (e.g., SHIB).
Skia: we have resolved the issue with multi-line text rendering.
SkiaSharp library has been updated from version 2.88.3 to 2.88.7.
An "Instrument" column has been added to the orders list.
Now negative values are truncated.
The common settings now include the option to limit the number of order book levels displayed. We have also added the second option for auto-centering based on ticks and adjusting text alignment in all columns.
The Bid/Ask Ladder column now has a setting to display previous order book levels. You will also notice price highlighting when hovering the mouse over the Bid/Ask columns.
In the Depth Changes column, you will find the option to color the histogram based on values (+ -). You can also color flashes based on the value of the last change.
In the Price column settings, it is now possible to truncate the price, similar to the Smart Tape.
The PnL column is now named PnL&Orders, and displays placed orders, the queue before them, and the last tick.
In the Last Trades column, you now have the option to highlight in bold specific levels where the last price occurred.
A reset button (R) has been added to the Histogram column.
All fonts are now rendered with anti-aliasing. Font settings have been moved from the columns to the common settings.
You can now drag and drop columns by hovering over the column header and adjusting their width using the scroll wheel.
The centering button now centers all open order books with a double-click.
Heiken Ashi: The coloring issue when compressing the chart has been resolved.
BigTrades: Users can now filter trades based on price location.
DomLevels: The text coloring mechanism has been improved.
MarketProfile: an issue with line extension has been fixed.
Previous ATM strategies have been replaced with enhanced Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) settings.
The interface of the SL/TP panel has been completely updated, making it more user-friendly to manage SL and TP settings.
Interactive SL/TP management. Now you can set up and adjust SL/TP directly on the chart. To set protective orders efficiently, simply move SL/TP to the desired price level:
A new column for setting SL/TP has been added to the open positions table:
Strategies: multiple enhancements have been implemented.
The Vortice rendering system has been replaced with Direct2D. The separate Vortice menu item has been removed, and the previous Direct2D rendering system has been deleted.
We have resolved an issue preventing the movement of objects outside the visible area.
We have fixed an error that prevented automatic server selection during application startup.
VWAP: we have fixed an issue with the Upper Fill function.
HighlightY: we have added functionality for displaying prices and custom text.
Rectangle: we have fixed selection beyond phantom lines.
We have fixed time display errors that occurred during journal export and volume calculations.
TaiPan connector has been added.
dxFeed: we have fixed weekly candle loading and added retries on errors.
Rithmic: Timing issues with tick and MBO data have been addressed.
Binance: we have expanded ChartTrader support for spot trades.
Bybit: The display problem with inverse positions has been fixed.
Bitget: It has been transitioned to API v2; PnL calculation has been fixed.
TradingPit: symbol binding has been improved.
IB: orders that were closed while the connector was disconnected are no longer taken into account. Error handling capabilities have been expanded.
NinjaTrader: numerous fixes and improvements have been made.
MT5: minor fixes, OpenBroker support has been removed.
21 décembre 2023
A new implementation of the Vortice DirectX renderer has been added.
We have added a new section called Tutorials, where you can find educational information.
Dodji candles now display the correct color.
The hotkey functionality for the volume selector has been fixed.
Support for time offset settings has been added.
Now, it is possible to cache the list of changes received during the last minute for MBO data.
dxFeed: Errors that resulted in the absence of online data after reconnecting the connector have been fixed.
Cluster Search:
- Validation errors in properties have been fixed.
- Transparent color setting for objects has been corrected.
AC. The indicator has been deleted as it duplicated Bill Williams AC.
Volume On The Chart. The display of minimized volume values has been corrected.
Watermark. The line at the zero level is now hidden.
CVD. We have fixed scaling to zero when the scale checkbox is unchecked.
The capture area of objects has been reduced.
Horizontal Ray. Objects will no longer disappear when the cursor goes beyond the chart boundaries.
Magnifier. The object will no longer hide after releasing the hotkey.
Price Сhannel. Minor fixes.
Trend Line. Minor fixes.
17 novembre 2023
- New login window has been introduced.
- Strategies. We have fixed an error in stop/take order pricing.
- We have introduced the 'Use Extended Keyboard Shortcuts' feature in the Hotkeys settings. This enhancement is designed to resolve issues related to hotkey configurations on certain PC systems.
- We have resolved issues with enabling/disabling Market Replay via hotkey.
- The Maxuimum visible notifications count been set to a default value of 10.
- We have fixed a binding error related to the security identifier.
- Inverse futures are now supported.
- Candle data is now saved with local time during export.
- Panels: Now it is possible to adjust the vertical scale for the indicator panel.
- We have fixed the application of a template when there was no data on the chart.
- Dynamic Poc. The TextColor field can now be disabled.
- Horizontal Ray. We have fixed the initial appearance.
- Overflow issues in calculating the intersection of Price channel have been resolved.
- Minor fixes for Long/Short, Price channel and Angle objects.
- Rulers. Calculation of division count has been adjusted.
- Cvd correlation. A middle point for moving the object has been added.
- We have deactivated the playback stop button until the playback is finished.
- A connection timeout has been added when connecting to market data clients.
- Additional checks for order parameters have been implemented during order registration and modification.
- Border drawing has been removed.
- We have fixed letter rendering in split mode.
- We have fixed the expansion of the Value Area.
- MBO. Data subscription issues have been resolved.
- Now, there is a check for OS support on OKX, Phemex, and WhiteBit.
- dxFeed. We have added mapping for CBOE EU server.
- We have fixed the portfolio for perpetual futures on OKX.
- Rithmic. The plugin now connects smoothly with the aggregated quotes mode.
- Binance. Smooth processing of the hedged position mode.
- SmartTape: We have fixed inaccurate Open Interest (OI) delta values.
- Cluster Search:
- 'Any wick' mode has been introduced;
- Min/max value validation has been fixed.
19 octobre 2023
1. New drawing objects: Cross Line, Measure, Anchored Market Profile, Anchored VWAP, Dynamic POC, CVD Correlation.
2. New selection mechanics.
3. Updated default colors and sizes.
4. Pasted objects will now appear with an offset.
5. Copy-paste functionality for global objects.
6. TPO indicator: You can now display the profile from right to left.
7. TrendLine: Problems with alerts have been resolved.
8. Numerous minor fixes.
1. Hotkeys no longer reset upon closing the platform.
2. Configure ValueArea step and update delay in general settings.
3. Reconnection problems when changing connector settings have been resolved.
4. The color of the current price is now saved with the template/snapshot.
5. The mechanism for rounding clusters has been corrected.
6. TIF selector has been added to the Smart DOM.
7. Trade objects on the chart are now removed when the portfolio is reset.
8. Email notifications have been removed.
9. SmartDOM: We have fixed PnL format and resolved locking issues.
10. SmartTape: Incorrect OI delta value has been fixed.
11. Chart:
- issues with minimum volume changes after switching instruments have been resolved;
- Default value for TIF has been removed;
- problems with opening DOM Trader after applying the Scalping DOM template have been fixed.
12. FollowingManager: The problem with position synchronization has been resolved.
13. DOM Trader: A volume selector has been added.
14. MarketData: Empty levels for RangeZ candles have been fixed.
15. Heatmap: Incorrect level data upon startup has been corrected.
16. DomLevels: Incorrect level data upon startup has been corrected.
1. Binance: Server time offset has been corrected. The NRE error upon connection has been fixed. Open PnL portfolio value has been corrected.
2. Transaq: API has been updated to 2.21.23. x86 platform is no longer supported.
3. Rithmic: API has been updated to RTrader login validation has been added.
4. Cqg: Mapping for LBR has been added.
5. Fast: FORTS scheme has been updated to 1.20.0.
6. NinjaTrader: Position handling for strategies and position objects has been improved.
7. dxFeed: The issue with best price handling without volumes has been resolved.
8. Bybit, Bitget, Whitebit, Phemex: Multiple minor bugs have been fixed.
Access to the value area has been added. It is now possible to read and modify trading volume.
19 septembre 2023
A New Following Manager module has been added. Pick a source portfolio and as many follower portfolios as you want. Specify the mode of order or position copying, as well as the factor.
Meet global drawing objects. Add and manage drawing objects simultaneously on all charts with the same tools in one click. To make a drawing object global, use the context menu.
MBO data basic support has been added.
RSS news system has been fixed.
The connector window has been updated.
Horizontal Ray move has been fixed.
Drawing objects clone and snapshot loading has been fixed.
BigTrades. Tooltip values formatting has been fixed.
HLine. The approximation alert bug has been fixed.
Current price color-saving has been fixed.
Ruler. Visual fixes.
OpenGL. Fixed sleep mode issues.
TradingDOM. A full-screen button has been added.
Replay. Missing instruments have been fixed. Missing data has been recovered. Wrong portfolio state has been fixed.
Request new function dialog replaced with
API for indicators. Cluster settings managing has been added.
New methods to change the parameters of charts.
Big Bybit connector update. Support for Unified Trading Account. Spot trading has been added.
Interactive Brokers. The processing of errors related to price limits has been fixed.
GainFutures. Small fixes.
Binance. Outdated methods have been updated.
NinjaTrader. UseSymbolicMonthCodes settings have been added.
TradingTechnology. Futures naming has been fixed.
Rithmic. Update to v13.0.2.0 Fixes for connection issues.
Whitebit. Bulk ticks subscription.
Phemex. Connection issues have been fixed.
OKX. Instruments processing update.
Dozens of indicator fixes.