19 июля 2024 г.





Version Latest

📈 Platform:

  1. The platform .NET has been updated to version 8.

  2. The platform installation process has been simplified.

  3. Error processing when canceling orders has been fixed.

  4. Defining the time interval for loading the timeframe has been fixed.

  5. The restoration of Time Frame settings from old workspaces has been fixed.

  6. It is possible to activate/deactivate SL/TP orders in Chart Trader and Smart DOM. The display of strategy states and their hints has been added.

  7. The verification that allowed a position to be closed immediately after opening has been fixed.

  8. Now, it is possible to specify the volume for multi-level SL/TP as a percentage of the position volume.

  9. Now you can reload the chart when data is missing, the placeholder image has been updated.

  10. The scaling of the price axis over TPO has been fixed.

  11. The scaling of Market Profile warnings has been fixed.

  12. The serialization of the TPO object has been fixed.

  13. The GotoDate button has been added near the chart scroll.

  14. Now, it is possible to copy, save to file, copy, and share a link to a screenshot saved on the website.

  15. Errors in cloning a channel using Ctrl + drag-and-drop have been fixed.

  16. GF API has been updated to version 4.15.503.306.

  17. We have resolved the issue of opening identical charts simultaneously.

  18. We have fixed the deletion of selected Fixed TPO and Profile drawing objects.

  19. The DOM now loads instantly upon reopening instruments instead of being built from scratch with incoming data.

  20. Ask and Bid no longer disappear from the DOM after returning from sleep mode.

  21. Resource consumption has been reduced when using the DOM.

  22. Now, you can manage the display of connection speeds in the general settings.

  23. Now, when there is no data on the chart, a reload button is added.

  24. We have completely redesigned the statistics window.

  25. Cumulative values in Ask and Bid in SmartDom are now abbreviated.

  26. Now, it is possible to draw a series over the last bar of the chart.

  27. Incorrect price values on the axes have been fixed.

  28. We resolved the issue by switching DomTrader's color scheme to the default.

  29. A notification has been added to alert users of order changes in the statistics.

  30. The bug with Uid detection has been fixed.

  31. DomTrader: Color scheme settings no longer disappear when compressed.

  32. We fixed the issue of charts freezing when the system wakes from sleep in Direct2D rendering.

📊 Chart:

  1. We have added a popup window when hovering over or scrolling the chart scrollbar. It displays a tooltip with the time of the candle opposite the scrollbar slider.

  2. Issues with delayed chart rendering have been fixed.

  3. We resolved the problem with cloning charts that have drawing objects.

  4. The rendering order of chart elements has been fixed.

  5. We have corrected errors in rendering drawing objects, including the history of actions with objects (the "Ctrl+Z" function).

  6. The deletion of objects on different charts has been fixed.

  7. The display of trades on the chart has been fixed.

  8. You can now save using One-click Mode.

  9. We have fixed an error when a 30-second candle was built in 24 seconds at speed "1".

  10. We have fixed errors that occurred when switching from an instrument with a high price step to one with a low price step (e.g., BTCUSDT to DOGEUSDT).

💸 Chart Trader

  1. The adaptive layout of ChartTrader for classic instruments has been updated.

  2. The tooltip display when hovering over various elements in Chart Trader has been fixed.

  3. The SL/TP edit button can now be disabled if no account is selected for the instrument.

  4. We have corrected the text on the "Cancel Asks" button (previously labeled "Cancel Bids") in Chart Trader for classic instruments.

  5. We have fixed an error that occurred when opening the account list.

  6. The error of setting the incorrect base currency has been resolved.

  7. When canceling orders in ChartTrader, SL/TP is no longer disabled when closing a position with the Close button.

  8. When editing SL/TP, the first available Time in Force for the instrument is set by default.

📊 SmartDom

  1. The DOM now loads instantly upon reopening instruments.

  2. Ask and Bid no longer disappear from the DOM after returning from sleep mode.

  3. Resource consumption has been reduced when using the DOM.

  4. Cumulative values in Ask and Bid are now abbreviated.

💼 Following Manager

  1. The copying of market orders has been fixed.

  2. Order copying upon position closing has been fixed.

  3. Positions no longer close if there are incomplete actions due to poor connection.

  4. Unnecessary orders are no longer placed.

  5. We have addressed the issue of multiple position copying.

  6. We have resolved the loading of the group copying list.

  7. We have fixed the issue of processing the order state when copying.

  8. We have fixed the issue with closing positions in Rithmic.

  9. The issue with Reduce-Only orders has been fixed.

  10. The issue with Bybit market orders has been resolved.

  11. The duplication of orders when copying in Orders mode has been fixed.

  12. We have fixed multiple position copying when the follower's position was only joined after the provider's position was opened.

  13. We have resolved the issue with closing positions by double-clicking.

📉 Indicators:

  1. A link to the documentation for indicators has been added.

  2. Line offset in the Ichimoku indicator has been fixed.

  3. New indicators have been added:

    • Gaps;

    • Linear Regression Channel;

    • Support & Resistance Zones;

    • Order Book Alerts;

    • BionicCandle.

  4. Notifications for values above a specified threshold in Dom Levels can now be displayed.

  5. Notifications for positive and negative Delta values have been separated.

  6. Notification properties for Delta have been moved to separate groups.

  7. Now you can to reload the chart in IsEmptyData state. The placeholder image has been updated.

  8. The display of VAH, VAL, and POC lines of profiles that are out of view on the left side in TPO mode has been fixed.

  9. The rendering of Stacked Imbalance lines (issue with DOM Trader) has been fixed.

  10. The calculation of DailyLines on the weekly chart has been corrected.

  11. The initialization of indicator settings has been fixed.

  12. A method, ChartInfo.GetPriceString(decimal price), which returns a formatted price value depending on the instrument type, has been added to the indicators' API.

  13. The issue with merging profiles with custom periods in TPO and Profile has been resolved.

📂 Statistics:

  1. Now, you can load trading statistics for the last 7 days only.

  2. We have completely redesigned the mechanism for generating statistics.

  3. We have added automatic detection of trade gaps.

  4. Now you can request trade history in connectors (up to the last 30 days).

  5. The "Trade Journal" interface now allows you to edit entries where both sides of a trade could not be matched.

🔗 Connectors:

  1. A new Tai-Pan connector has been added. Time zone values for American instruments in TaiPan have been corrected.

  2. All connectors now have a customizable Display Name property.

  3. Market data reconnection has been fixed (ticker subscription has been fixed).

  4. dxFeed:

    • transition to new server infrastructure;

    • incorrect price values on axes have been fixed;

    • we have removed the option to change the scale and display of clusters for non-time-based candle series;

    • we have fixed an error with an incorrect folder name for some dxFeed instruments.

  5. Rithmic:

    • Neurostreet servers have been renamed to PropShopTrader;

    • the Rithmic API has been updated to version

  6. IB:

    • the reconnection issue with the connector has been fixed;

    • the instrument search has been corrected.

  7. Extended logging for debug level has been added.

  8. We have added buttons with referral links for Binance and Bybit connectors.

  9. Binance:

    • calculations for spot order costs and maximum order values have been fixed;

    • the processing of portfolios for spot cross instruments has been corrected;

    • time synchronization when connecting the Binance connector has been fixed.

  10. Bybit:

    • the connection error has been fixed;

    • auto-scaling on Bybit Spot is enabled by default;

    • currency conversion after connecting crypto connectors has been fixed;

    • socket reconnection for user data has been fixed;

    • OCO function for market orders has been disabled;

    • synchronization of properties in the old version of the connector has been fixed;

    • processing of stop order volumes has been fixed;

    • pnl % calculation has been fixed;

    • the processing of limit orders before position updates has been fixed;

    • Bybit Mainnet demo account has been implemented;

    • Bybit SL orders are now opened with the "reduce only" flag.

  11. Bitget: connection issues have been resolved.

  12. BitMEX:

    • the REST API for request signing has been updated;

    • market order placement has been fixed.

  13. The list of supported US stocks has been updated.

  14. A 1 to 100 stock split has been performed for GMKN and TRNFP.